Universal Survival Snaring Kit
Weighs roughly 3.5 pounds This pack includes: 6 individual Small Game Snares (SNARE512), 6 individual Raccoon to Beaver Snares (SNARE101), 2 individual Coyote Snares (SNARE402) 2 individual Wolf and Wild Hog Snares (SNARE501). This pack includes instructions on how to set the snares and 14ga Tire Wire. All inside a large zip lock bag
To view an instructional video on snare setting please click on the link below.
All of these snares are built with a quick connect end, which means no rebar is necessary, you easily, and quickly attach the end of your snare to any fixed object or drag.
This Kit can easily fit in a backpack for hiking, camping, hunting, fishing, and other outdoor activities. You never know when you might need it! It is always better to be prepared!
This kit is also a great all purpose snaring kit. If you live in an area where you can snare animals large and small, this kit has it all!
Made here at The Snare Shop!