Hawbaker's Brand - Muskrat Lure No. 5
This is an all season lure and is especially recommended for late winter and spring trapping. This is a lure especially recommended for the trapper who desires a lure crammed full of muskrat musk. It will attract every passing muskrat and no male muskrat will pass up the real muskrat musk odor that this lure fills the air with. Cannot be beaten for breeding season. In addition to muskrat musk, this lure contains foreign musks, castors, etc. This lure contains no essential oils since it is Hawbaker's own personal formula developed for winter and spring trapping. None better.
1 oz Bottle
In accordance with the US Fish and Wildlife Departments regulations we cannot ship any lures and/or baits outside of the US (with the exception of Canada). We will remove any lure and/or baits from an order that is placed shipping to a country other than the US or Canada. If you have any questions, please email us at sshop@snareshop.com. |