Kaatz Bros Lures Land Lure
This lure single-handedly started the KBL Company.
As teenagers, Kyle and Kellen mixed fish oil and a unique blend of essential oils at the kitchen table before Mom came home from work!
As a fish oil based lure, it possesses a sweet, pleasant aroma unlike any other lure.
It's produced hundreds of coon on the Iowa road line, mink in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Mississippi, reds in Maryland, warm weather and nuisance coyotes and fox, with great confidence.
Available in a 1oz or 4oz jar.
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In accordance with the US Fish and Wildlife Departments regulations we cannot ship any lures and/or baits outside of the US (with the exception of Canada). We will remove any lure and/or baits from an order that is placed shipping to a country other than the US or Canada. If you have any questions, please email us at sshop@snareshop.com.