Minnesota Brand Lures - Caven's Gusto Lure
When you crack the cap of Gusto you will certainly smell skunk, but underneath you will detect a sweet odor consisting of a generous dose of castor and muskrat musk. Use Gusto above your set during warm weather, and directly at your set when it starts to cool down.
Red fox, grey fox, coyote, bobcat, marten, muskrat and fisher.
Jar Size: 1 ounce or 4 ounce
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In accordance with the US Fish and Wildlife Departments regulations we cannot ship any lures and/or baits outside of the US (with the exception of Canada). We will remove any lure and/or baits from an order that is placed shipping to a country other than the US or Canada. If you have any questions, please email us at sshop@snareshop.com.