Wildlife Control Supplies Whistle Pig Bait
Whistle Pig woodchuck or groundhog paste bait.
This is a blend of no less than four irresistible essential oils, plants, and vegetable juices compounded to really make the groundhogs mouth water.
At a time when food is plentiful you have to offer them something they can't resist...........that is "Whistle Pig".
Smear some Whistle Pig on a large leafy vegetable, like cabbage and place in rear of trap.
Available in 8 oz containers.
In accordance with the US Fish and Wildlife Departments regulations we cannot ship any lures and/or baits outside of the US (with the exception of Canada). We will remove any lure and/or baits from an order that is placed shipping to a country other than the US or Canada. If you have any questions, please email us at sshop@snareshop.com. |