Loading Snares
The cost: $2.00 per dozen for any snares made with 7x7 strand cable. $4.00 per dozen for any snares made with 1x19 strand cable. $5.00 per dozen for any snares that have support wire attached.
Loading a snare is not necessary to make it work properly. It makes the loop more of a circle shape, than a tear drop shape, and it also speeds up the snare so it closes faster around the animal.
If you would like us to load your snares; adjust the quantity to the number of snares (per dozen) you are purchasing, and you MUST add this item to your shopping cart. Please let us know what size of loop you will be using, or what your target animal is. That way we can load your snares properly.
Call or email if you have any questions. You can also leave comments during the check out portion of your order.
DON'T FORGET: to also add the snares into your shopping cart that you want us to load!
For Example: 1 dozen snares = $2.00 + the cost of the snares 2 dozen snares = $4.00 + the cost of the snares