Paws-I-Trip (Pit) Inline Shock Spring
PAWS - I - TRIP's inline spring provides a dampening effect and gradually decelerates a trapped animal's lunging - thus minimizing foot damage and escapes. Durable, attaches easily to the trap and easy to conceal at the set.
Available in 3 different poundages, and available with or without swivels on both ends.
- 35 pound spring = #PIT-17 - Standard duty in line cushion springs for fox. - 53 pound spring = # PIT -18 - For coyote on short or fox on long chains - 78 pound spring = # PIT -19 - For coyote and larger animals on long chains.
The 78 pound WITHOUT swivels we are no longer going to carry. Quantities are limited.
Made In The U S A
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