Guide To Farmland Fur Trapping Book
Author Bernie Barringer has been considered one of the most highly skilled fur trappers of our time. He is a prolific writer and an effective communicator, tirelessly promoting the sport to non-trappers and teaching trappers of all skill levels how to trap more effectively and humanely. Bernie is a frequent contributor to two-dozen outdoor magazines and author of six books.
This book is a compilation of lessons learned through two decades of experience, plus the repetition of tens of thousands of miles on the trapline and countless hours in the outdoors before, during and after trapping season.
Extensive coverage is given to mink, muskrat, raccoon, red and grey fox, coyote, and beaver. Also covered are several of the minor species of furbearers trapping in farmland habitats (badger, bobcat, oppossum, otter, skunk & weasles).
304 pages, lots of picture and illustrations Copyright 1997