Evolved Harvest Throw & Gro No-Till Forage®
Throw & Gro contains a mixture of tetraploid rye grass, forage clovers and brassica selected to give your herd a fast-growing food source that’s filled with vital protein and minerals. This no-till forage can be planted without disking or heavy equipment, which increases your planting area options to include those spots you thought were out of reach.
Features: - Our original no-till formula - Plant just about anywhere - Grows lush food plots quickly - Filled with vital protein and minerals - No heavy equipment or disking required
Type: Seed
Blend: Tetraploid Annual Ryegrass, Forage Rape, Berseem Clover
COVERAGE: 1/4 Acre: 11,000 sq. ft.
Planting Depth: Less than 1/4"
Recommended Fertilizer: 60 lbs. of 13-13-13
Soil Ph Range: 5.5-7.5
Growth Cycle: Annual
Planting Requirements: No Till