Northland Glo-Shot Spoon 1/8 oz
Glo-Shot™ Spoons are available in 1/16-, 1/8- and 1/4-ounce weights, with red treble hooks in #12, #10 and #8 sizes, respectively. Hooks are attached via dual split rings for added action and fewer lost fish.
Glo-Shot™ Sticks are non-toxic, easy to activate and glow in vivid color for eight hours. They are light enough not to affect lure action and are also great for lighting up a variety of bobbers, hooks and jigs.
Glo-Shot™ Stick Attracts Fish From Afar Glows In Color For 8+ Hours
S-Curve Design Enhances Action Non-Toxic, 1.5 Inches Long
1/8 oz
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