Kaatz Bros Lures Red King Fox Gland Lure
Every morning as Kyle ran the Iowa road line in 2000, he watched a red fox sitting in a picked bean field. That red seemed to taunt him, "You're a coon trapper, I can sit back and relax!"
For over a week Kyle met the fox in the field off King Street.
A unique combination of loud, aged red fox glands and special passion ingredients make this lure priceless!
Kellen swears by Red King for coyotes and bobcats as well!
Available in a 1oz or 4oz jar.
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In accordance with the US Fish and Wildlife Departments regulations we cannot ship any lures and/or baits outside of the US (with the exception of Canada). We will remove any lure and/or baits from an order that is placed shipping to a country other than the US or Canada. If you have any questions, please email us at sshop@snareshop.com.