Sodium Benzoate
Use 2 tablespoons Sodium Benzoate per pint or 1 cup per gallon to preserve fresh or aged meat or fish baits.
Takes 7 to 10 days for full effect.
Stir into bait base to ensure an even distribution throughout the bait.
The "bait makers compound." Used to preserve cut or ground meat baits after reaching the desired stage of taint. Also can be used to quiet down raw glands and segretions during the aging process. Preserves urine, fish oil, liquid bait or solid fish bait.
To liquify sodium benzoate dissolve in warm water and then add to glycerine oil or glycol.
-Halts the aging process of meat, glands, and castors -May use to preserve urine -Add 1 teaspoon to 1 gallon of urine