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The Snare Shop’s Heavy Duty Live Catch Coyote Snares
Cut Snare Cable Length: 6 Feet
Snare Cable Size: 7x7 1/8” Galvanized Aircraft Cable Collar: Universal Twist On Lock: HD Relaxing Washer
Deer Stop: None
Live Catch Stop: 1/8” Stop, 3 ˝” Diameter Loop
Anchor End: 9 gauge wire swivel
Target Animal: Coyote
Quantity: 12 single snares
The live catch stop is permanently set at 11 1/2" from the end of the cable. A live catch stop is the same stop as a deer stop, it is just placed to make a bigger loop on the snare. The standard live catch coyote stop is set at a 3 ˝" diameter loop. This loop will not allow the coyote to escape, but will make sure the snare doesn't close too tightly on the coyote and choke it out. Most fox will be able to escape from a snare with a live catch coyote stop; because the loop is too big and they can pull their head back through the loop. The standard live catch fox stop is a 2 ˝" diameter, the same as a deer stop.
Heavier cable will miss a few of the really smart coyotes but chew outs are rare. This snare is recommended for long checks
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