Evolved Harvest 7 Card StudŽ 10 LB
7 Card StudŽ is the most adaptive food plot available today. This incredible blend of forage variety plants covers all your early, mid and late season needs to attract and hold deer on your property. The triticale, oats, winter peas, clover, chicory, turnip and radishes provide a blend your deer simply cannot resist.
Forage varieties of oats and triticale developed for rapid establishment and maximum forage produce highly palatable and longer-growing forage than other grain crops.
Turnip brassica delivers some of the highest protein and mineral content levels among annual forages. It's also extremely adaptable to a wide range of soils and climates.
Winter peas are cold tolerant and will continue to grow through winter into late spring. Unlike many other cool-season forages, winter peas grow rapidly and are sweet as soon as they pop out of the ground.
Forage clovers selected for this blend grow up to 16 inches tall and can withstand tough growing conditions. Daikon radishes are a high-yielding member of the Brassica family that provide protein levels up to 20% and reach heights up to 24 inches tall.
Chicory offers 30% protein content with little to no effort required. This true perennial can survive unattended for many years with the help of a long, drought-resistant taproot.
Type: Seed
Blend: Forage Oats, Forage Triticale, Winter Peas, Crimson Clover, Forage Turnip, Forage Chicory, Daikon Radish
Coverage: 1/4 acre ; 11,000 sq. ft.
Planting Depth: Less than 1/2"
Recommended Fertilizer: 120 lbs. of 13-13-13
Soil Ph Range: 6.0-7.5
Growth Cycle: Annual
Planting Requirements: Till |